Please carefully review these Terms of Service (“Terms”) as they contain important information regarding your legal rights, obligations, and available remedies. By accessing or using this website, you (“User”) agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms. These Terms establish the legally binding agreement that governs your use of the Provider’s website, including any subdomains, as well as any other websites through which the Provider’s services are made available (collectively referred to as the “Site”), our software, applications, and API (collectively referred to as the “Application”), and all associated services (collectively referred to as the “Rentorys Services”). The Site, Application, and Rentorys Services collectively are referred to as the “Rentorys Platform.” When these Terms mention “Provider,” “Rentorys,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” they refer to the Provider or any affiliated company with which you are entering into a contractual agreement. The specific contracting entity will be determined based on your country of residence or establishment.

Fittings Framework: Refers to a web page or document created by Hosts on the Rentorys Platform, which identifies the available fixtures, fittings, modifications, and appliances allowed in the Accommodation. Furnished Accommodations: Refers to fully furnished apartments that include furniture, beddings, curtains, lamps, fittings, gas cooker, microwave oven, fridge/freezer, washing machine, gas cylinders, piping to the kitchen, air conditioners, and smart LED television. Host: Refers to the legal owner of the Accommodation or a person with express written authority to deal with the Accommodation, who must be at least 18 years old and capable of entering into legally binding contracts in Nigeria or the Member’s country of residence. Listing: Refers to the details of the Accommodation provided by the Host and available for Subscription on the Rentorys Platform. Member: Refers to the person making a Subscription or on whose behalf a Subscription is made on the Rentorys Platform. Provider: Refers to Dargos Homes Investment Limited or any affiliated company trading as “Rentorys” or “Rentorys Nigeria.” Rolling Living Subscription (RLS): Refers to the monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly Subscription Payment made by the Member for the use and occupation of the Accommodation, excluding the Service Fee

Benefactions may be viewable by other druggies of the point and through third- party websites. As similar, any benefactions you transmit may be treated asnon-confidential andnon-proprietary. When you produce or make available any benefactions, you thereby represent and warrant that
the creation, distribution, transmission, public display, or performance, and the penetrating, downloading, or copying of your benefactions don’t and won’t infringe the personal
rights, including but not limited to the brand, patent, trademark, trade secret, or moral rights of any third party.
you are the creator and proprietor of or have the necessary, rights, warrants, releases, and warrants to use and to authorize us, the point, and other druggies of the point to use your benefactions in any manner contemplated by the point and these Terms and Conditions.
you have the written concurrence, release, and/ or authorization of each and every identifiable individual person in your benefactions to use the name or likeness of each and every similar identifiable individual person to enable addition and use of your benefactions in any manner contemplated by the point and these Terms and Conditions.
your benefactions aren’t false, inaccurate, or misleading. your benefactions aren’t unasked or unauthorized advertising, promotional accoutrements , aggregate schemes, chain letters, spam, mass mailings, or other forms of supplication. your benefactions aren’t stag, lewd, lascivious, unprintable, violent, draining, scandalous, libelous , or else reprehensible( as determined by us).
Your benefactions don’t sport, mock, disparage, blackjack, or abuse anyone. your benefactions don’t endorse the violent defeat of any government or incite, encourage, or hang physical detriment against another.
Your benefactions don’t violate any applicable law, regulation, or rule. your benefactions don’t violate the sequestration or hype rights of any third party. your benefactions don’t contain any material that solicits particular information from anyone under the age of 18 or exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner. your benefactions don’t violate any civil or state law concerning child pornography, or else intended to cover the health or well- being of minors; your benefactions don’t include any obnoxious commentary that are connected to race, public origin, gender, sexual preference, or physical handicap. your benefactions don’t else violate, or link to material that violates, any provision of these Terms and Conditions, or any applicable law or regulation. Any use of the point in violation of the anteceding violates these Terms and Conditions and may affect in, among other effects, termination or suspense of your rights to use the point.

You retain full power of all of your benefactions and any intellectual property rights or other personal rights associated with your benefactions. We aren’t liable for any statements or representations in your benefactions handed by you in any area on the point. You’re solely responsible for your benefactions to the point and you expressly agree to exculpate us from any and all responsibility and to refrain from any legal action against us regarding your benefactions. c. User Registration Users must create an account before they can list or subscribe on the Rentorys Platform. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your password and you will be held accountable for any activity conducted using your account. We have the right to remove, reclaim, or modify any username that we deem inappropriate, obscene, or objectionable, at our sole discretion. The Provider may perform due diligence and KYC (Know Your Customer) checks on Users who register as Hosts or Members on the Rentorys Platform. By using the Rentorys Platform, you consent to the Provider sharing non-public personal information for the purpose of KYC, identity verification, and credit verification. Our collection and usage of personal information in relation to your use of the Rentorys Platform are outlined in our Privacy Policy. During the registration process on the Rentorys Platform, Users may be required to provide the following information: – Personal information such as full name, home address, and employment details – Email address – Bank Verification Number or other government-issued unique identifier – Verified phone number – Work location and contact details of the employer/partner – Alternative contact details – National identification – Selfie photo – Payment information Members will only have access to the Host’s full name and contact number after successful payments have been made. However, Hosts may have access to the available information of Members who have subscribed in order to conduct their own due diligence checks before accepting the subscription. By subscribing, Members consent to the Provider sharing this information with the Host and giving consent to the Host for conducting such due diligence checks. D. Payment Terms Monthly Payments: – The Customer submits payment through our designated payment gateway provider(s). – Payments from Rentorys to Hosts are processed exclusively on working days. Advance Payments: – When payments are made in advance, they are held in an escrow account until 24 hours before check-in. At that point, the payment is released to the Host. Price Increase: – If the Host intends to raise the Subscription amount for an accommodation under a monthly or quarterly Subscription, they must provide written notice to the Provider at least 1 month in advance. – For accommodations under a yearly Subscription, the Host must give written notice to the Provider at least 6 months in advance. – Failure to provide the required notice will prevent the price increase from taking effect. E. Cancellation Policy: – To effectively cancel a Subscription, the Member must cancel it through their dashboard. Failure to cancel within 48 hours after payment will result in a complete waiver of the right to a full refund. – If a Subscription is canceled due to the Host withdrawing the Listing, the Member is entitled to a full refund of all payments made, with the Host bearing the expenses and liabilities. – Once the Subscription is active, which is 48 hours after confirmed payment, there will be no partial or full refunds. In the event of non-payment or a Member’s breach of the Terms stated in this Agreement, or if the Provider believes, in its sole discretion, that the Member poses a threat, may cause damage, create a nuisance, act recklessly, or engage in any unacceptable behavior (referred to as “Breach of Terms”), the Provider may issue an oral or written notice of the Breach of Terms to the Member. If the Member fails to rectify the breach within two (2) business days from the notice delivery date, the Provider will deliver a five (5) day notice to terminate the Subscription and regain access to the Accommodation. By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge that the Provider has the lawful right to re-enter the Accommodation or any part thereof without resorting to legal action. The Subscription will be immediately terminated upon the Provider’s re-entry into the Accommodation. In the event of a Breach of Terms, the Provider has the authority to disconnect power and water supply, as well as change the locks to the Accommodation. If the Member is in a shared space, an email will be sent to co-Members in the Accommodation informing them of the breach and instructing them to deny access to the defaulting Member who is in breach. Host Cancellation Policy: – Once an active Subscription plan is in place, no Host is permitted to cancel their Listing during the specified availability period they have provided. – If a Host defaults by withdrawing a Listing, it constitutes a Breach of the Terms. Among other remedies available to the Provider, the Host may face suspension from the Rentorys platform (Host Cancellation Penalty). If the Host has received the Subscription Payment and cancels the listing as described above, the Host is required to refund the Subscription Payment and an additional fee to the Provider within 24 hours. F. Term And Termination These Terms and Conditions will remain in effect as long as you continue to use the Site. We have the right to deny access to and use of the Site to any individual, at our sole discretion and without notice or liability, for any reason or no reason. This includes the ability to block certain IP addresses. Such denial of access may occur if there is a breach of any representation, warranty, or covenant stated in these Terms and Conditions, or if there is a violation of any applicable law or regulation. We also reserve the right to terminate your use or participation in the Site, delete your account, and remove any content or information posted by you, at any time and without warning, at our sole discretion. If we terminate or suspend your account for any reason, you are not allowed to register or create a new account using your name, a false name, a borrowed name, or the name of any third party, even if you are acting on behalf of that third party. Alongside terminating or suspending your account, we retain the right to take appropriate legal action, which may include pursuing civil, criminal, and injunctive remedies. G. Assignment You are not permitted to transfer or assign the Terms, rights, and granted to you. However, the Provider retains the unrestricted right to transfer or assign them. The Member is prohibited from allowing any person to occupy a subscribed property on the Rentorys platform without obtaining the explicit consent of the Host and/or Provider, as applicable. H. Liability The Host bears the liability regarding representations and the suitability of the subscribed accommodation on the Rentorys platform for a Member’s intended purpose. The Provider and any other parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site, the Services, or the Rentorys platform shall not be held accountable for any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages. This includes damages such as lost profits, loss of data or goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure, or the cost of alternative products or services. Furthermore, they are not liable for any damages arising from or related to these Terms, the use or inability to use the Site, the Services or the Rentorys platform, interactions with other users or third parties, or the listing or booking of accommodation via the Site and Services. This applies regardless of the legal basis for the claim, whether it be warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or any other legal theory, and regardless of whether the Provider has been informed of the possibility of such damages. Even if a limited remedy stated in these Terms is found to have failed its essential purpose, the Provider excludes, to the extent permitted by law, all implied terms, warranties, or promises. The Provider does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of the Site or the Rentorys platform, nor is it responsible for any loss or damage resulting from data transfer over communication networks and facilities, including the Internet. Users acknowledge that the Site may be subject to inherent limitations, delays, and other issues associated with the use of such communication facilities. In all respects, users agree that the maximum liability of the Provider towards them, regardless of the cause, will not exceed the amounts paid or payable by the user to the Provider under this agreement during the twelve (12) months prior to the event that gave rise to the liability. I.Intellectual Property Unless else indicated, the point is our personal property and all source law, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, videotape, textbook, photos, and plates on the point( inclusively, the “ Content ”) and the trademarks, indulgence jokes, and ensigns contained therein( the “ Marks ”) are possessed or ruled by us or certified to us, and are defended by brand and trademark ordinances and colorful other intellectual property birthrights and illegal competition ordinances of the United States, foreign authorities, and transnational conventions. The Content and the jokes are handed on the point “ AS IS ” for your information and particular use only. Except as expressly handed in these tours and Conditions, no portion of the point and no Content or jokes may be duplicated, bred, added up , edited, uploaded, posted, intimately displayed, decoded, restated, transmitted, allotted, vended, certified, or else exploited for any marketable purpose whatsoever, without our express previous penned authorization. handed that you’re eligible to exercise the point, you’re granted a restricted to pierce and exercise the point and to download or publish a dupe of any portion of the Content to which you have duly gained access solely for your particular,non-commercial use. We reserve all birthrights not expressly granted to you in and to the point, the Content and the Marks. J. Escrow Clause 70 of the security deposit shall be used for the purpose of dereliction in making the Subscription Payment while the remaining 30 shall be used to repair or compensate for any damage to the Accommodation or if there are no damages, returned to the Member within the timeline stated above.

The Host and Member hereby concurrence that the portion of the Security Deposit for damages shall be placed in an escrow account by the Provider’s appointed Escrow Agent and neither the Host nor the Member shall be entitled to any interest accrued from the escrow account. In the event that the Escrow Agent is uncertain as to its duties or rights in appointing an under the this Terms of Service, receives any instruction, demand or notice from the Host, Member or fiscal institution which, in the Escrow Agent’s opinion, is in conflict with any of the vittles of the Terms of Service, or any disagreement arises with respect to the Terms of Service or the Escrowed finances, the Escrow Agent may( i) consult with counsel of its choice and any conduct taken or not taken grounded upon advice of counsel shall be supposed acceded to by the Host and Member, or( ii) chorus from taking any action other than to retain the finances in escrow for delivery in agreement with the written agreement of the Host and Member, the final decision or award of an adjudicator pursuant to an arbitration commenced and conducted in agreement with these Terms or a final,non-appealable judgement of a court of competent governance,( iii) discharge our duties under these Terms by depositing all finances by interpleader action with a court of competent governance. K. Despute Resolution The Provider and any stoner( “ Parties ”) shall use their stylish sweats to settle amicably any disagreement arising from or in connection with the Rentorys Platform this Agreement or the interpretation thereof. still, in the event of a disagreement between the Parties or between druggies in connection with or in relation to the Rentorys Platform, this Agreement or its performance, construction or interpretation, the party professing the disagreement shall give a written notice, giving particulars of the disagreement( Notice of disagreement) to the other Party and the Parties shall enter into collective conversations to resolve similar disagreement.

still, the disagreement shall be appertained to agreement in Lagos, Nigeria, If the disagreement has not been settled pursuant to the provision above within ten( 10) days from when the discussion wasinitiated.However, each Party irrevocably agrees that the disagreement shall be eventually resolved by a Nigerian court of competent governance which shall have exclusive governance to settle any disagreement or arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, If the disagreement is still not resolved after fourteen( 14) business days of it being appertained to agreement as specified over. L. miscelaneous Eclectic Nature of the Agreement NOTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE supposed TO TRANSFER TITLE OR entitlement A Residency OR Parcel TO ANY PARTY. MEMBERS ARE GRANTED A LIMITED LICENCE TO enthrall THE ACCOMMODATION, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS. EACH USER SHOULD CONSULT THEIR LEGAL counsels ON THE Counteraccusations OF THE LIMITED LICENCE GRANTED PURSUANT TO THESE TERMS. Entire Agreement These Terms are the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Rentorys Platform, including use of the Accommodation, and relieve all previous or simultaneous dispatches and proffers( whether oral, written or electronic) between the Parties with respect to the Services. Severability If any provision of these Terms is set up to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or excluded to the minimal extent necessary so that these Terms will else remain in full force and effect and enforceable. Waiver The failure of the Provider to apply any part of these Terms shall not constitute a disclaimer of our right to latterly apply that or any other part of these Terms.

Disclaimer of compliance in any particular case doesn’t mean the disclaimer of the Provider’s compliance in the future. Force Majeure. Relationship of Parties No agency, cooperation, common adventure, or employment relationship is created as a result of these Terms of Service and neither party has any authority of any kind to bind the other in any respect Notices Unless else specified in these Terms, all notices under these Terms will be in jotting and will be supposed to have been properly given when entered, if tête-à-tête delivered or transferred by pukka or listed correspondence, return damage requested at the Accommodation, or bye-mail.

Notices bye-mail will be transferred to you at thee-mail address that you have handed. Notices bye-mail shall be supposed to have been properly given the coming business day after they’re transferred; whether or not damage is electronically verified, or the day after it’s transferred, if transferred for coming day delivery by honored overnight delivery service. Electronic notices should be transferred sequestration and Policy This sequestration policy has been collected to more serve those who are concerned with how their’ Personal Data’ is being used on Rentorys. “ Personal Data ” means any information relating to an linked or identifiable natural person; It can be anything from a name, address, a print, an dispatch address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, and other unique identifiers. You don’t have to produce an account to use some of our service features, similar as searching and viewing public biographies and spaces. We, still, believe you should always know what data we collect from you, how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over both. We want to empower you to make the stylish opinions about the information that you partake with us. That’s the introductory purpose of this sequestration Policy. WHAT PERSONAL INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT FROM THE PEOPLE THAT VISIT OUR WEBSITE? The website can be visited without revealing any particular information.

When registering on our point, as applicable, you may be asked to enter your name, dispatch address, posting address, phone number, or other details to help you with your experience. Where needed, this information may include your particular contact information and/ or your company contact information and your bank details. Rentorys will use this information to reply to your inquiries, to give you with requested products and services, to set up your member’s account, and to communicate you regarding new products and services. By penetrating the services of Rentorys and freely furnishing us with the requested particular information, you assent to the collection and use of the information in agreement with this sequestration policy. Your concurrence can be withdrawn at any time by transferring a request to that effect to the contact information supplied below. still, use or exposure of your particular information as outlined in this policy, please don’t give any particular information to Rentorys, If you don’t assent to the collection. HOW DO WE USE THE INFORMATION WE COLLECT? We may use the information we collect from you when you register as a member in the following ways to epitomize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product immolations in which you’re most interested. Administer referral programs, prices, checks, contests, or other promotional conditioning or events patronized or managed by Rentorys or its mates. Allow us to more serve you in responding to your client service requests. Enable you to pierce and use our booking tabs to snappily reuse your deals. descry and help fraud, abuse, security incidents, and other dangerous exertion. Conduct security examinations and threat assessments. Conduct checks against databases and other information sources. Misbehave with legal scores( similar asanti-money laundering regulations). apply our service terms and programs. Follow up purposes( by dispatch or phone inquiries). HOW DO WE cover YOUR INFORMATION? Our website is scrutinized on a regular base for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our point as safe as possible. We apply a variety of security measures when a member registers to maintain the safety of your particular information. We also cover the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer( SSL) software, which encrypts information you put in.

SHARING/ THIRD- PARTY exposure We don’t vend, trade, or else transfer to outside parties your Personal Data unless we give druggies with advance notice. This doesn’t include website hosting mates and other parties who help us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our druggies, so long as those parties agree to keep this information nonpublic. We may also release information when it’s release is applicable to misbehave with the law, apply our point programs, or cover ours or others’ rights. GUIDING PRINCIPLES The collection and processing of your Personal Data shall be in agreement with the licit and legal purpose acceded to and shall only be stored for the period, which is nicely needed, handed

Please contact us incase if you have any query related to us at and reach us at